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touch HAWAI’I


Are you planning a trip to Hawai’i and would you like to experience “Hawai’i behind the scenes”? During the winter months I live on Maui, Hawaii, and offer you (Maui or extended on the various islands of Hawai'i) very special experiences. During a private customized journey on Maui or around the islands of Hawai’i, you will have the opportunity to dive deep into the real Hawai'i, with me as your insider. I have lived and studied full time in Hawai'i for several years and feel like a "local". I have built up an in-depth insider knowledge of Hawaiian culture, philosophy of life and a local network. Always connected to the Aloha-Spirit we will explore inner and outer sacred places. It is a path directly into your heart. Let yourself be touched by the transforming power and culture of these magical mystical volcanic islands.

In the so-called ALOHA state, where humpback whales go on their honeymoon and give birth to their babies, dolphins rest in sacred bays, giant sea turtles sunbathe on beautiful beaches, where you can walk through cold volcanic craters and see the hot lava flow, surf in crystal clear water on impressive waves,  hiking through singing bamboo and rainforest, take a shower under a waterfall, where almost all climates of the world are present, where the sweetest fruits hang in abundance on the trees, where powerful and heart-opening music can be heard everywhere, where people express their feelings and stories through hula-dance,  where the diverse nature simply takes your breath away, where you can still feel the deep connection of the Hawaiian indigenous people to the resources of their land and their ancestors, where the family is more important than money, where spirituality is part of everyday life - ALOHA is in the air. The wisdom of this ancient culture is seen as a blueprint for a more conscious, healthier world. It is about the connection to all beings, a reconnection to ourselves who we are, to nature, and our spiritual guidance.


Aloha is used in the Hawaiian language not only as a greeting but also stands for compassion, affection and love. Translated, Aloha means "the presence of the breath". We share the same breath, let love be between us. It is an expression for "we are one". Aloha is a way of living and treating one another with love and respect. This begins by learning to love our ourselves first and then transferring that love to others.
Each letter of ALOHA stands for a Hawaiian word that expresses a certain state of mind associated with Aloha. The word is composed of "Alo" (in the presence of the divine - that which was always there and always will be) and “Ha” (breath). Taken together, these words clarify the philosophy of life behind Aloha. Aloha vibrates on many frequencies and is saturated with the qualities “love”, “affection”, “charity”, “compassion”, “kindness”.


"Ho'oponopono" is an inner healing and forgiveness ritual, which comes from the Hawaiian culture, but meanwhile known and used worldwide. It is the most beautiful form of forgiveness in our "heart" - and not in the mind. Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona together with Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len developed the "Self-l-Dentity-Ho'opo-nopono" ("Self-identity through Ho'opono-pono"). It's about taking full responsibility for whatever we encounter in our lives, seeing challenges as opportunities for further development, finding the right solutions for us and healing ourselves and thus the world in which we live. By loving ourselves we heal our inner world and at the same time the world outside. Ho’oponopono is a healing process, Ho’o = “do something” Pono = “balance something / bring it into balance / correct something” (reinforced by 2x pono pono). Ho‘oponopono is a simple and effective method of solving both personal problems and conflicts within relationships. This spiritual process is considered to be the most effective method of conflict resolution ever developed in culture. A powerful way to harmony - to inner and outer peace.